Agent Mediated Knowledge Management |
WM 2003:
Professionelles Wissensmanagement - Erfahrungen und Visionen GI-Edition - Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), P-28 Bonner Köllen Verlag (2003) |
Mentzas, G., National
Technical University of Athens, Greece; Apostolou,
D., Planet Ernst & Young SA, Athens, Greece ; Young, R., Knowledge
Associates, Cambridge, UK; Abecker, A., DFKI, Kaiserslautern,
Germany: Beyond the Process-centred and Product-centred
November 2002. Approx. 250
pp. 76 figs. Hardcover. ISBN 1-85233-583-1 |
Abecker, A., DFKI, Kaiserslautern; Hinkelmann, K., FH Solothurn Nordwestschweiz, Olten, Schweiz; Maus, H., DFKI, Kaiserslautern; Müller, H.J., Berufsakademie Mannheim (Hrsg.): Geschäftsprozessorientiertes Effektive Wissensnutzung bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Geschäftsprozessen 472, S. 70 Abb. Geb. ISBN 3-540-42970-0, Listprice: EUR 46,68 plus MwSt , Springer Verlag, Mai 2002. |
AAAI Spring
Symposium “Semantic Web meets
eGovernment”, March 2006,
ECAI-2004 Tutorial on
Semantic Web: Vision, Tools, and Applications, August 2004,
IJCAI-2003 Tutorial on
Ontologies: Representation, Engineering, and Applications, August 2003,
Within the IPE department (Information Process Engineering) of FZI -
Karlsruhe University’s technology transfer center for Information
Technology - I was managing the research team “Knowledge Management and
Semantic Technologies” (directed by Prof. Dr. Rudi Studer).
In this role, I was involved (acquiring, leading, managing, working in,
coaching, administrating, controlling, inspiring, ...) - among others -
in the following projects (where the most part of the work was actually done by
my excellent team):
eGIFF – Early Warning
Systems for Landslides (bmb+f Project, 2007 - 2010)
KEWA SUI – Semantic Search in Environmental Information Portals
(Umweltministerium Baden-Württemberg, 2008/09)
– Evaluation of Semantic Technologies (EU Infrastructures Project,
running since 2009)
– Knowledge-Based Collaboration in Engineering (EU-STREP Project, 2008
– 2011)
Knowledge Management in Distributed Software Engineering (EU-STREP Project,
2006 – 2009)
– New Technologies for the Internet of Services (BMWi-Programme,
2007 – 2011)
- Intelligent Spam Detection for GROUP Technologies AG (2002/03)
CollaBaWü - Collaborative, component-based
Software Engineering (Baden-Württemberg project, 2004 - 2008)
DIP - Data, Information, and
Process Integration (EU-Integrated Project, 01/2004 – 12/2006)
Adaptive Portals and Processes in eGovernment
(EU-STREP Project, 2006 - 2009)
HRMore - Intelligent Human Resource Management for
DaimlerChrysler AG, Werk Wörth (until 02/2006)
Im Wissensnetz –
Knowledge Management in eScience (bmb+f
project, 2005 - 2008)
Nepomuk – Towards the Social Semantic Desktop
(EU-Integrated Project, 01/2006 – 12/2009)
- Ontology-enabled eGovernment Services (EU-STREP
Project, 01/2004 – 06/2006)
Ontologging – Ontology Infrastructures (EU RTD
project, until end of 2003)
(EU Roadmap project, ended in Summer 2003)
– Knowledge Management in eGovernment (EU-STREP
Project, 2006 - 2008)
SAUER – Semantic Technologies for SAP (2005)
SWWS - Semantic Web Enabled Services (ended in Spring 2005)
Roadmap project, ended in Summer 2003)
Knowledge Management in Distributed Software Engineering (bmb+f
Project, 2006 - 2008)
There is a number of
additional industrial consulting or prototyping projects, for customers such as
Siemens, Daimler, IBM, SAP, Bosch, Bayer CropScience,
SVA, ontoprise, or Stuttgarter
Andreas Abecker studied
computer science and economics at the University of
Kaiserslautern (
In February
1995, he started to work with the
Since 1996,
he was a member of the DFKI Knowledge
Management department. As a researcher in the KnowMore
project (Knowledge Management for Learning Organizations) and as project
leader of the DFKI part of the European (ESPRIT) KNOWNET project (Knowledge
Management with Intranet technologies), he investigated organizational,
methodological, and technological issues for building Organizational Memories.
Special emphasis was laid upon the integration of collaboration and
coordination technologies (groupware, workflow), document management, and
formal knowledge processing (ontologies and metadata for conceptual information
retrieval). Since July 2000, he was the Project Director of the European
R&D project DECOR (Delivery
of Context-Sensitive Organizational Knowledge).
In Spring 2003, Andreas Abecker moved to the Research Center for Information Technologies (Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) at the University of Karlsruhe (TH) – now Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT – in order to take over the position of the leader of the FZI Knowledge Management team (WIM - Wissensmanagement) which is part of the FZI Information Process Engineering (IPE) department. WIM was part of a group of institutions (FZI WIM, ontoprise GmbH, and the AIFB KM group at Karlsruhe University) led by Prof. Rudi Studer doing world-wide renowned research in the area of Semantic Web and ontology-enabled applications. Within FZI, he coordinated the Competence Center Business Software (Kompetenzzentrum Unternehmenssoftware am FZI), a virtual organization constituted from the six FZI teams working on Business Processes (BPEM), Databases (DBS), Production Data and Process Management in Engineering (PDE), Program Structures (PROST), Software Technology (SWT), and Knowledge Management (WIM).
In 2004, he received a doctor’s degree in Applied Informatics (Dr. rer. pol., summa cum laude) from the University of
Karlsruhe (TH), with a thesis
about Business-Process Oriented Knowledge Management.
Andreas Abecker
wrote and co-authored far more than 120 refereed
in Expert
Systems, Knowledge Management, Semantic Technologies, Geographic Information
Science and Environmental Informatics, he initiated a workshop series on AI and
Organizational Memories (
KI-97 , ECAI-98
, IJCAI-99
, ECAI-00
, IJCAI-01
), serves as a reviewer for several journals such as IEEE Intelligent Systems,
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Elsevier's Knowledge-Based
Systems Journal, or Springer's Knowledge and Information Systems Journal, and
gave lectures on knowledge-based systems at the University of
Karlsruhe, Duale Hochschule
Mosbach and Duale Hochschule
Karlsruhe, as well as the Umwelt-Campus
Birkenfeld. In Germany as well as internationally, he pushed the
development of the topics and respective research communities in
oriented Knowledge Management (2001 - …),
Knowledge Management (2004 - …) and
Semantics for
eGovernment (2006 - …). Further, he acted as FZI’s W3C representative
(ACR), co-organized the Semantic
Web Akademie Karlsruhe and represented FZI in the STI
International Executive Board.
With a short transition time in 2010/11 when Andreas
worked both for FZI and disy, he moved to
Informationssysteme GmbH in Karlsruhe in order to fill the newly created position
of the Head of Innovation Management. Besides corporate-internal knowledge and
innovation management as well as strategic business development, his duties
comprise acquisition and running of research projects.
Since he is six years old, Andreas practices as a dilettant :-) and with more or less success several kinds
of sports (like apparatus gymnastics, jogging, squash, tennis and boule) and
does some honorary work for the gymnastics club in the village he stems from,
the Turnverein
Bierbach 1905 e.V. In this club, he was and is regularly member of the
organization team of national sports events in Orienteering, e.g., of the
German National Championship in Short Distance Orienteering (DKM-2002), the German National
Championship in Orienteering Relay
Staffel 2009) including a World Ranking
Event, or the upcoming German National Championship in Long Distance
Orienteering (
DM Lang 2013).
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